My girls are just so amazing and incredible. They have coped so well with us losing Jamie. Alice has settled into her new class at school really well. Her teacher is very warm and caring and has allowed Alice the time to talk about her brother - Alice took a picture into school to shoe her teacher and she stood up in front of her class to show it to her friends and to talk about Jamie. She was also taken to the staffroom to show Jamie's picture to the headteacher, who is also a lovely woman and has been talking to Alice about her brother.
Alice ran out of school that night so excited that she had been in the staffroom "mummy, the teachers were sitting on chairs, drinking tea" I'm not sure what she thought teachers did at breaktime, perhaps hang from the ceiling like bats in Doctor Who??
The school are raising money for the Children's Heart Unit Fund as well, which is lovely and Alice feels very touched by it.
Alice has drawn pictures of our family and always includes Jamie. SHe has also written a few stories which include poorly princesses. One story is so beautiful it made me cry. A princess was ill - Alice drew a picture of her on a bed with lots of wires - and the prince was trying to save her but he couldn't so she turned into a fairy so she could fly around and watch the people she loved.
She is obviously expressing all her thoughts about Jamie through her drawings and her stories which is such a beautiful and wonderful thing to do and it is so obviously helping her to cope with her emotions.
And my little Lucy, who we thought would be quite oblivious to everything because she's only 3, talks about Jamie everyday - and not because I am upset or because she has heard us talking about him. She includes him in alot of the games she plays, he is definitely part of her family and she asks questions about why he died. But mostly she just says things like 'I like my brother but he died' or 'we had a beautiful baby' - and she only met him for about 10 minutes.
Lucy has started nursery school and she loves it. She has settled in really well and just runs in in the morning. And one day a week she goes in all day. So far, she' settled and happy. She loves being in there with 2 of her friends and I think she is starting to make new friends as well now.
She is exhausted and niggly afterwards but I am so happy that she's happy.